About GoodNature

What’s the purpose of the program?

The purpose of the GoodNature™ Stool Donation Program is to collect poop from healthy people and then study the bacteria within in hopes of advancing medical treatment options for serious diseases, such as recurrent Clostridium difficile (rCDI). C. diff is a bacterium that can cause a large range of symptoms, from everyday diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon. Some people with C. diff are even housebound due to a shortage of treatment options. GoodNature is a Seres Therapeutics program.

Who can participate in stool donation?

The program is recruiting healthy individuals who have regular bowel movements and are 18 to 50 years old, are of normal weight, don’t smoke, and have no history of gastrointestinal disease or alcohol or drug abuse. People cannot participate while they’re pregnant, though we encourage them to keep us in mind for the future. And you don’t need health insurance to participate. So chances are good that you’re a candidate.

Will I get paid to participate in the stool donation program?

We respect our donor’s time. As such, the program will pay you $25-$75 per visit and up to $1,500 per month. Donors can also receive bonuses for donating four to six days weekly for extended periods of time. Compensation may vary by city and is subject to change. We pay donors the same day donations are made using a reloadable card similar to a gift or debit card and balances can be viewed online.

Who is Seres Therapeutics?

Seres Therapeutics’ mission is to transform the lives of patients worldwide with revolutionary microbiome therapeutics. As a commercial biotechnology company with a strong development pipeline and rigorous scientific underpinning, Seres is working to revolutionize the treatment of a wide range of diseases by modulating the function of the human microbiome. Seres has an exceptional team of drug development and microbiome experts. The leadership team, board of directors, and Scientific Advisory Board have vast experience in the discovery, development, regulatory approval, and successful commercialization of a wide range of therapeutic products. Seres’ visionary team has been at the forefront of microbiome therapeutics for over a decade. Visit this link to learn more.

Becoming a Donor

How can I become a stool donor?

The first step to becoming a stool donor is to apply to see if you’re eligible. You can apply here. If you pass, the next steps will be a phone screen followed by three to ten initial sample donations at your local donation center.

Discover if You Are Eligible to Donate Stool

When will I know if I’m eligible to become a daily donor?

After you complete three to ten donations to determine eligibility, we will notify you if you have been approved. Physical exams and lab work will follow before you’re invited to begin daily donations. It can take four to eight weeks after your sample donations to be invited to come in as a daily donor. Thank you for your patience!

What if I don’t live near a donation center?

If you don’t live near a GoodNature donation center, there are still ways to get involved with the GoodNature community, such as research and development or advocating for GoodNature through our referral program. Sign up to learn more here.

English language requirement

Donors need to be able to read, understand and speak English in order to consent to the terms of the program and respond to questions during the health screen questionnaires. We do not have interpreters available to accommodate non-English speakers in the program at this time. 

Medical information inquiry for U.S. healthcare professionals

Medical information inquiries about FDA-approved Seres products for U.S. Healthcare Professionals: PharmaMedInfo@us.nestle.com or 833-246-2566.

About C. Diff

Where can I learn more about C. difficile and the patients’ experience?

Visit the CDC's website for information about C diff. The Peggy Lillis Foundation is a great resource if you want to learn more about recurrent C. diff and the patient experience. You can even volunteer to support the Peggy Lillis Foundation’s work in your city—check it out here. Access publications, conference talks and posters to learn more about C diff at the Seres Therapeutics website.

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